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More info
An anemometer is used to measure the speed of the wind, it's an essential part of weather stations. This anemometer is designed for outdoor use with an easy measure of the wind speed.
To use, connect the black wire to ground, the Brown wire to a power between 7 and 24 VDC and the blue cable will provide an analog voltage. The voltage will vary from 0, 4V (wind 0 m/s) to 2V (32, 4 m/s wind). Here, this sensor is easy to set up and robust. It has a waterproof connector also, a piece of cable is provided.
- "Height (base to the Center): 105mm / 4.1"
- "Central to the Cup: 102mm / 4"
- "Arm length: 70mm / 2.8"
- Weight: 111.8 g
Dimensions son:
- "Cable length: 99cm / 39"
- "Male length: 30mm / 1.2"
- "Diameter (thickness): 4.8 mm / 0.2"
- Output: 0.4V to 2V
- Range Test: 0. 5 m / s at 50 m / s
- Mini wind speed: 0.2 m / s
- Resolution: 0.1 m / s
- Precision: The worst case 1 meter / s
- Max wind speed: 70 m / s
- Details of the connector: pin 1 - power (Brown wire), Pin 2 - mass (black wire), Pin 3 - Signal (blue wire), Pin not connected 4
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