A WHEAT Bluetooth module for your microcontroller application.
A WHEAT Bluetooth module for your microcontroller application.
A WHEAT Bluetooth module for your microcontroller application.
A Bluetooth BLE module for your microcontroller applications in Flora format.
A Bluetooth BLE module for your microcontroller applications in Flora format.
A Bluetooth BLE module for your microcontroller applications in Flora format.
USB key to add the bluetooth 4.0 functionality
USB key to add the bluetooth 4.0 functionality
USB key to add the bluetooth 4.0 functionality
PyCom loyal card with Python development and connectivity Lora, WiFi, and wheat.
PyCom loyal card with Python development and connectivity Lora, WiFi, and wheat.
PyCom loyal card with Python development and connectivity Lora, WiFi, and wheat.
A Feather BLE card based on the nRF52840 circuit.
A Feather BLE card based on the nRF52840 circuit.
A Feather BLE card based on the nRF52840 circuit.
A break-out card with the minimum to operate an ESP32.
A break-out card with the minimum to operate an ESP32.
A break-out card with the minimum to operate an ESP32.