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More info
This kit allows you to add a LCD to your Raspberry and a series of 5 bouton-poussoirs, it is ideal to have a standalone user interface.
The LCD has 2 lines of 16 characters and it's backlit by a series of RGB LED allows you to completely change the color of backlight avce Raspberry PI card. The brightness is also adjustable with a potentiometer on the circuit.
A MCP23017 crcuit allows to concentrate all entries on a single I2C link, which allows to maintain the reserve on your GPIO connector, only 2 pins are used (SDA0 and SCL0) as well as the 5V supply.
The kit is sold ready to be welded, and you can find all the intructions Assembly as well as the manual on
- Dimensions: 2.2 "x 3.35"
- Sold as a kit with all the elements to make the kit
- Screen included in the kit
- Using the i2C GPIO of Raspberry PI link