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More info
This Shield was developed by Arduino together with Bosch, it is based on the BNO055 absolute orientation sensor. The latter incorporates an accelerometer 3 axes 14 bits, a gyroscope 3 axes 16 bits with a span ±2000 ° / S, a magnetic sensor 3-axis and a microcontroller 32 bit running software BSX3.0 FusionLib.
This sensor allows so action on the 3 axes: acceleration, yaw rate and the intensity of the magnetic field.
It provides also the signals calculated by the software BSX3.0 FusionLib:
- Quaternion
- Euler angles
- Vector of rotation
- Linear acceleration
- Gravity vector
In addition, it has a smart break engine that allows to trigger alarms on:
Slow motion detection or lack of movement.
Movement detection (slope)
Detection of high acceleration
- Operating voltage: 5V
- Consumption: 50mW
- compatible with cards, Uno, Yun, Leonardo, Ethernet, Mega and Due by weldable jumper (see documentation)
Documentation and library: Arduino 9 Axes Motion Shield
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