alphanumeric LCD 16X2 Retro-light Yellow-Green Display HD44780
This backlit yellow-green LCD alphanumeric display has 2 lines of 16 characters, it is compatible for Arduino.
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More info
Alphanumeric LCD display for compatible for Arduino LiquidCrystal library.
- Line number: 2
- Cracteres by line number: 16
- Controller: HD44780
- Backlight: LED young-green
- Dimension: 80 x 11 x 36mm
Pin 15: LED + 5V for backlight
Pin 16: LED - GND for backlight
This product is easy to use with a Arduino board.
To use this display, you can use the LiquidCrystal library:
In order to easily use the LCD display on a Breadboard , we recommend is solder a connector like the Connector strip scored 40 points
Example of realization
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