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Add a motion detection, direction and guidance to your Arduino project with this all-in-one sensor to 9 DOF. Inside of this circuit are three sensors, one is a classic three-axis accelerometer, that can tell you which direction by measuring the severity or how fast the card accelerates in 3D space. The other is a three axis magnetometer which can detect from the stronger magnetic force, typically used to detect magnetic north. The third is a 3-axis gyro that can measure the pitching and rolling. By combining these data, you can direct you in 3D space.
We took the LSM9DS0 of ST for a while, and the LSM9DS1 is their final offer. We thought that this could really make a great breakout at a very good price! Design your own activity or movement with all data plotter... We ran a course map that has all the additional circuits you want to use with an Arduino (or other microcontroller).
Here are some features:
- accelerometer ± 2 / ± 4 / ± 8 / ± 16 g
- magnetometer ± 4 / ± 8 / ± 12 / ± 16 gauss.
- gyroscopes ± 245 / ± 500 / ± 2000 dps.
The sensor has I2C and SPI interfaces and it can be powered from 3 to 5VDC. More advanced users can use the SPI connection, the library supports two protocol.
The card is sold assembled and tested with a non welded connector.
- Size: 33.4 mm x 20.4 mm x 3.0 mm / 1.3 "x 0.8" x 0.1 "
- Weight: 2.5 g / 0.1 oz
Adafruit LSM9DS1 Accelerometer + Gyro + Magnetometer Breakout 9 - DOF