Melexis MLX90614 5V Contactless Infrared Temperature Sensor

Melexis MLX90614 5V Contactless Infrared Temperature Sensor

Melexis MLX90614 5V Contactless Infrared Temperature Sensor

ADA 1748


A non-contact infrared temperature sensor in 5V.

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This cybertronic sensor hides a secret behind its sparkling eye. Unlike most temperature sensors, this sensor measures infrared light that bounces off distant objects to detect temperature without having to physically touch them. Simply point the sensor at what you want to measure and it will detect the temperature by absorbing the infrared waves emitted. Since it does not need to touch the object it measures, it can detect a wider temperature range than most digital sensors: from -70°C to +380°C! It takes the measurement on a field of view of 90 degrees, which makes it easy to determine the average temperature of an area.

This sensor is supplied in an easy-to-use metal housing. You can easily weld or connect it to a breadboard. The four pins are used for power supply, ground, i2c clock and i2c data. There are two versions, one for power and 3V logic levels and the other for power and 5V logic levels. This article is version 5V! Ideal for use by classic Arduinos. You will also find two 10K pullup resistors for the I2C data lines, which we include with care.


  • Factory calibrated
  • -40°C to +125°C for sensor temperature
  • -70°C to +380°C for object temperature
  • ±0.5°C accuracy around room temperatures
  • High accuracy of 0.5°C over wide temperature
  • 90° Field of view
  • 4.5 to 5.5V power
  • I2C interface, 0x5A is the fixed 7-bit address


Using Melexis MLX90614 Non-Contact Sensors


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