


The integrated circuit NE555 is ideal to achieve some time base for your electronic assemblies.

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The NE555 is an integrated circuit used for the timer or multivibrator mode.



Symbole NE555


2TRIGTrigger, primer procrastination - detects when the voltage is less than 1/3 of VCC
3OUTOutput signal
4RESETReset the timer interrupt
5CONTAccess to the reference internal (2/3 VCC)
6THRESSignals the end of the time delay when the voltage exceeds 2/3 of VCC
7DISCHTerminal used to discharge the capacitor of delay
8VCCSupply voltage, usually between 5 to 15V


Monostable operation


NE555 : Montage monostable

t? = 1.1 x R x C

Astable operation

NE555 Montage Astable

f = 1.44 / ((Ra + 2 Rb) x C)

? = 1 - (Rb / (Ra + 2Rb))



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