Flat Vibration Switch - Breadboard friendly
ADA 4081
A simple switch that detects vibrations.
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More info
It is a trigger switch with low sensitivity, directional and vibration-induced. Inside is a very soft spring wrapped around a long metal pin. When the switch is struck on the side only, the spring attached to the first pin touches the central pole to make contact with the second pin. So when there is a hump, both pins act as a closed switch. When everything is stationary, the switch is open. Ideal for educational projects and portable objects!
Compared to most vibrating switches, this one is flat, and soldered well in a printed circuit board and is also easy to use on a breadboard
Product dimensions : 18.0 mm x 15.8 mm x 5.5 mm / 0.7" x 0.6" x 0.6" x 0.2" x 0.2
Product weight: 0.5g / 0.0oz.
- 2,00 € Add to cart
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