A4988 Stepstick - A step motor Driver

A4988 Stepstick - A step motor Driver

A4988 Stepstick - A step motor Driver



A stepper motor driver based on A4988.

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4,80 € tax incl.

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A4988 Stepstick - A step motor Driver5 4,56 €

More info

This breakout card for stepper motor driver based on Allegro A4988 has an adjustable current limiter, overcurrent and overheat protection and five different microstep resolutions (up to 1/16 steps).

It operates from 8 V to 35 V and can supply up to about 1 A per phase without heat sink or air flow (it is given for 2 A per coil with sufficient additional cooling).

This card is delivered assembled with a connector and a heatsink.


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