74HC595 - registry to offset

74HC595 - registry to offset

74HC595 - registry to offset



 Register shift that can drive 8 outputs with only 3 entries of arduino.

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More info

The integrated circuit 74HC595 ets a registry at 8-bit offset, to easily control 8 digital outputs using u serial composed of 3 points. This allows to increase the output of an Arduino board.

Also, the circuits are Chainable, to control as many output desired with only 3 wires.

The inputs are compatible in TTL and CMOS low level level.

Example to drive 8 LEDs with an Arduino UNO

Utilisation d'un 74HC595 avec un arduino


Explanation of the functioning of the 74HC595: Video: Understanding of the shift registers

Example of programming with an arduino: Serial to Parallel Shifting-out with has 74HC595



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