Kit beginner Arduino - Workshop - Base level

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The KIT Workshop - Base level is a starter kit of components of base needed to tame the Arduino cards.
We order items that are simple to achieve a multitude of mounting DIY
The kit includes:
- 1 x USB type A/B cable to connect an Arduino.
- 1 x Connector Strip scored 40 points
- 1 x Breadboard, 840 contact and 70 wires
- 5 x resistors 10 K ohm 1/4W
- 5 x 2.2 K ohm 1/4W resistance
- 10 x Resistors 220 Ohms 1/4W
- 5 x Resistors 330K Ohms 1/4W
- 5 x 100nF polyester Condenstaeur
- 5 x Condenstaeur 10nF polyester
- 3 x Condenstaeur 100uF, 25Vdc electrolytic
- 1 x 4.7 K Ohm thermistor or 47K Ohm
- 1 x Photo-resistance LDR 70.100 K Ohm VT90N2 or 24 K ohm LDR VT90 N2
- 3 x LED 5mm Red
- 1 x LED 5mm Green
- 1 x LED 5 mm yellow
- 1 x 10K ohm potentiometer
- 2 x Transistor BC547 - TO92 Package
- 1 x Piezo buzzer
- 5 x pushbutton PCB
- 2 x 4N35 optocoupler - DIL-6 package
- 2 x sensor shock Tilt
- 1 x Diode 1n4007
- 1 x IRF520 MOSFET power transistor
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