DHT22 - Sensor of temperature and humidity digital

DHT22 - Sensor of temperature and humidity digital
A sensor digital high precision to measure temperature and humidity.
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The DHT22 is a sensor at low cost to acquire a temperature and ambient humidity in a digital way. It uses a capacitive umidite sensor and a thermistor to measure the temerature and humidity of have and transmits it in a digital way on a serial bus. The data is updated every 2 seconds.
The connection of this pateur is very simple, just link the first pine left at the power supply (3V to 5V), the central pin on an arduino pin declared input (INPUT) and the right pin to ground (GND).
This capateur is similar to the DHT11 but it has a greater pcision and measuring range, however it is a little more expensive and a little bigger.
This sensor is sold with a resistance to pull-up between 4, 7KΩ and 10KΩ to connect the pin DATA to the VCC.
- Low cost.
Power supply: 3 to 5V power supply and data
Consumption: 2.5mA max during conversion
Humidity measuring range: from 0% to 100% with a precision of 2-5%
Measuring temperature range:-40 ° C to 80 ° C with a precision ±0.5 ° C
E chantilonage at 0.5 Hz (every 2 seconds)
Dimension: 27mm x 59mm x 13.5 mm (1.05 "x 2.32"x 0.53")
4 pins, 0.1 "spacing
Use with Arduino
Documentation: DHTxx Sensors Basic temperature & humidity sensors
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